Registration Policies
All families are set up with an account that can be accessed under the Current CBC Families tab on our website. Existing families can login to their account to register for classes, view account information, and make credit card payments.
Registration Fees
A $75 registration fee is charged at time of enrollment for each student. Registration fees are charged once per academic year and are non-transferable and non-refundable. Our Summer programs require a non-refundable $100 deposit, due at time of enrollment and will be applied to summer program tuition.
Registration Codes
Summer programs, Youth, and Training Division classes require a code in order to register to ensure proper level placement. Please note that obtaining a registration code does not guarantee a place in a class. Primary and Open Ballet classes do not require a code to register, and class placement is age based. Registration and class placements should be requested prior to registration. Request your class placement and registration code now.
Class Age Requirements & Placement
In order to provide appropriate and safe training for our students, many of our classes have an enforced age minimum and maximums. The age requirements listed are based on the dancer's age as of August 31 (the start of the school year) not age at date of enrollment. Students are regularly assessed and placement is at the discretion of CBC staff for the safety and well-being of our dancers. If a student is incorrectly registered the office will contact the family in order to re-enroll the student in the appropriate level.
All families are set up with an account that can be accessed under the Current CBC Families tab on our website. Existing families can login to their account to register for classes, view account information, and make credit card payments.
Registration Fees
A $75 registration fee is charged at time of enrollment for each student. Registration fees are charged once per academic year and are non-transferable and non-refundable. Our Summer programs require a non-refundable $100 deposit, due at time of enrollment and will be applied to summer program tuition.
Registration Codes
Summer programs, Youth, and Training Division classes require a code in order to register to ensure proper level placement. Please note that obtaining a registration code does not guarantee a place in a class. Primary and Open Ballet classes do not require a code to register, and class placement is age based. Registration and class placements should be requested prior to registration. Request your class placement and registration code now.
Class Age Requirements & Placement
In order to provide appropriate and safe training for our students, many of our classes have an enforced age minimum and maximums. The age requirements listed are based on the dancer's age as of August 31 (the start of the school year) not age at date of enrollment. Students are regularly assessed and placement is at the discretion of CBC staff for the safety and well-being of our dancers. If a student is incorrectly registered the office will contact the family in order to re-enroll the student in the appropriate level.
Tuition Policies
School Year Tuition:
Tuition covers classes from SEPTEMBER to June as specified by your level. Monthly tuition payments are calculated by dividing the overall tuition into 10 equal payments. The monthly installment will remain the same for each month and is based on the overall tuition, not the number or weeks or classes for that month. Holiday and break closures have been calculated into the overall tuition rate and are not reflected specifically in the corresponding months. Payments are due and automatically processed the first of each month, invoices are sent to the email on file one week prior. If you prefer to pay the tuition in full in one single payment please contact us. Tuition is non-refundable and can be paid through you online account by credit card (Visa, MasterCard & Discover). check and cash payments are not being accepted at this time, please contact our office if this presents an issue. A $15 late fee will be charged for each month the account is delinquent. After 2 late payments CBC reserves the right to require the remaining tuition be paid in full.
Summer Program Tuition:
Tuition covers the full session as outlined by the specified program. A $100 deposit is charged during registration, the remaining tuition balance is due and will be automatically processed on July 1. Tuition is non-refundable and can be paid through your online account by credit card (Visa, MasterCard & Discover). check and cash payments are not being accepted at this time, please contact our office if this presents an issue.
Absences and Withdrawl
Students wishing to withdraw must submit their intent in writing with a minimum of 30 days notice to avoid being charged for the following month. Tuition will not be refunded or reduced for absences. Make-up classes can be coordinated as allowed. All tuition refunds will be subject to a $100 withdrawl fee and will be prorated based on the monthly installment plan. Exceptions for extended absences due to medically documented illness and injuries can be coordinated with our office.
Make-Up Classes
Make up classes can be scheduled with our office within 30 days of the missed class. Opportunities for make-up classes will be provided on a limited basis only when possible and will be provided in a class one level below in which that student is enrolled, or for eligible students in an Open Ballet class.
Tuition covers classes from SEPTEMBER to June as specified by your level. Monthly tuition payments are calculated by dividing the overall tuition into 10 equal payments. The monthly installment will remain the same for each month and is based on the overall tuition, not the number or weeks or classes for that month. Holiday and break closures have been calculated into the overall tuition rate and are not reflected specifically in the corresponding months. Payments are due and automatically processed the first of each month, invoices are sent to the email on file one week prior. If you prefer to pay the tuition in full in one single payment please contact us. Tuition is non-refundable and can be paid through you online account by credit card (Visa, MasterCard & Discover). check and cash payments are not being accepted at this time, please contact our office if this presents an issue. A $15 late fee will be charged for each month the account is delinquent. After 2 late payments CBC reserves the right to require the remaining tuition be paid in full.
Summer Program Tuition:
Tuition covers the full session as outlined by the specified program. A $100 deposit is charged during registration, the remaining tuition balance is due and will be automatically processed on July 1. Tuition is non-refundable and can be paid through your online account by credit card (Visa, MasterCard & Discover). check and cash payments are not being accepted at this time, please contact our office if this presents an issue.
Absences and Withdrawl
Students wishing to withdraw must submit their intent in writing with a minimum of 30 days notice to avoid being charged for the following month. Tuition will not be refunded or reduced for absences. Make-up classes can be coordinated as allowed. All tuition refunds will be subject to a $100 withdrawl fee and will be prorated based on the monthly installment plan. Exceptions for extended absences due to medically documented illness and injuries can be coordinated with our office.
Make-Up Classes
Make up classes can be scheduled with our office within 30 days of the missed class. Opportunities for make-up classes will be provided on a limited basis only when possible and will be provided in a class one level below in which that student is enrolled, or for eligible students in an Open Ballet class.